Bombs exploded across the evening sky lighting up the world with hot fiery bursts of red. A loud sonic boom awakened the sleeping people today towards the actuality of war.
Anxiety perpetrated the hearts of these who have been not ready. Horror lined the faces of those who survived the 1st attack. Terror overwhelmed their thoughts since it was only a matter of time and their lives would quickly be above.
The Lord God Almighty looked down on the ragging firestorm and took flight into the evening air abandoning the perfection of Heaven to fight for your little ones He loved. God strapped on His sword of righteousness and waged a great battle against the evil serpent of the world.
The Devil incited evil men and women by using a program to destroy goodness from your globe. Their bombs pelted every single excellent country destroying those who fought for justice. Burning up lands and kingdoms for your sake of conquest.
The men and women cried out in 1 voice, pleads for a Savior to defeat the Devil's rampage on the earth. They shouted all in unison, the query, "Who Is My Hero? Who can save us from your anti-Christ?"
Isaiah 59: 14&15a, "Justice is driven away, and right cannot come near. Truth stumbles in the public square, and honesty finds no place there. There is so little honesty that anyone who stops doing evil finds himself the victim of crime."
The bombs threaten extinction of all human life. The murderous threats of evil explode igniting fighting on each and every single shore. No one is safe, cry the men and women. No one is able to defend his house through the ravages of war.
The folks cry out all in unison, "Who Is My Hero? Who will save us in the Anti-Christ?"
Isaiah 59: 15a-18, "The Lord has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice. He is astonished to see that there is no one to help the oppressed. So he will use his own power to rescue them and to win the victory. He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer. He will punish his enemies according to what they have done, even people who live in distant lands."
Every single house was abandoned. Each and every church was destroyed. Every single person in all the nations of your globe, left to flee and find cover in caves found high in the mountains and hills.
All trembled at the sounds of battle that ragged around the countries destroying all earthly good in the world. School buses have been exploding and schools were crumbling as the fighting grew more and more fierce.
All justice was ended. All courthhouses destroyed. All governments demolished from the unending bombs that threatened to fatten the world.
The men and women trembled and they all cried out in unison, "Who is my Hero? Who will save us in the evil serpent of this world?"
Isaiah 63: 1-5, "'Who is this coming through the city of Bozrah in Edom? Who is this so splendidly dressed in red, marching along in power and strength?'
It is the Lord, powerful to save, coming to announce his victory.
'Why is his clothing so red, like that of a man who tramples grapes to make wine?'
The Lord answers, 'I have trampled the nations like grapes, and no one particular came to help me. I trampled them in my anger, and their blood has stained all my clothing. I decided that the time to save my folks had come; it was time to punish their enemies. I was amazed when I looked and saw that there was no 1 to help me. But my anger made me strong, and I won the victory myself.'"
The persons rejoiced as the bombs ended and the earth took on a more glories form. The Lord most High had come down from Heaven to conserve them from the evil serpents power.
God's Magnificent strength filled the lands on the world once again with justice, truth and hope. Jesus ruled the countries with love. He reached down to each single person and wiped away their tears.
Families once again flourished in peace and safety. Godly kids with moral convictions arise bringing joy to their parents. Folks lived long lives unafraid of sickness and disease.
All weapons of war had been stock-piled and burned. All bombs defused. All forms of hate ended.
The folks rejoiced and sang praises. All young children with the earth celebrated the triumph of the Lord's mighty battle within the earth.
They all shouted in unison, "The Lord God Almighty Is My Hero!"
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